Former B.Tech Students

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Tahir Yusuf Sandalwala
Associated with the group during : Jul 2023 - Jul 2024
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Complexity Theory
Moved to :
Nalli Sai Soumya
Associated with the group during : Jan 2023 - Jul 2024
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Circuit Complexity, Algorithms.
Moved to : Google India
Vineeth K D
Associated with the group during : Jan 2023 - Jun 2023
Advisor(s) : Yadu Vasudev
Research Area : Streaming Algorithms
Moved to :
D Hakesh
Associated with the group during : Jan 2023 - Jun 2023
Advisor(s) : Yadu Vasudev
Research Area : Streaming Algorithms
Moved to :
Raghu Raman Ravi
Associated with the group during : Jan 2022 - Jun 2022
Advisor(s) : Meghana Nasre
Research Area : Matching under preferences
Moved to : MSc CS, ETHZ
Allada Praharsh
Associated with the group during : Jan 2021 - Jun 2021
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Later Rejections, Approximations, and Bounds for Dynamic Branching Programs
Moved to :
Kotagiri Venkata Nikhil
Associated with the group during : Jan 2021 - Jun 2021
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Incremental Dynamic Programming Algorithms
Moved to :
Allumalla Ravi Kiran
Associated with the group during : Jan 2021 - Jun 2021
Email :
Advisor(s) : Akanksha Agrawal
Research Area : parameterized complexity of some games on graphs
Moved to :
Dhanekula Varun Teja
Associated with the group during : Jan 2021 - Jun 2021
Email :
Advisor(s) : Akanksha Agrawal
Research Area : Parameterized complexity of games on graphs.
Moved to :
Neha Kuntewar
Associated with the group during : Jul 2019 - Jun 2020
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : A Study of Discerning Problem for Words and Sets
Moved to :
Janani Sundaresan
Associated with the group during : Jan 2019 - May 2020
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Towards PLP Conjecture for Aperiodic Monoids and Generalizations to Parity Query Models
Moved to : PhD Student, Dept of CS, Rutgers University, USA
Sai Jayasurya
Associated with the group during : Aug 2019 - May 2020
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Mystery of Negations in Circuits : Structure vs Power
Moved to : Google Inc.
Prashanth Amireddy
Associated with the group during : Jun 2019 - May 2020
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Power of Decision Trees with Monotone Queries
Moved to : Flipkart Inc
Vipin S
Associated with the group during : Jan 2018 - Jul 2018
Advisor(s) : Narayanaswamy N S
Research Area : Data Structures
Moved to : PhD Student, TIFR Mumbai
Naga Varun Chetty
Associated with the group during : Aug 2015 - May 2016
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Approximating Grammars
Moved to :
A. Ajay Krishna
Associated with the group during : Aug 2015 - May 2016
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Matroid Intersection Problem
Moved to : Microsoft, Redmond.
Aditi R.
Associated with the group during : Jul 2012 - May 2016
Email :
Advisor(s) : Rajsekar Manokaran
Research Area : Theory of Machine Learning
Moved to :
Aarati Kakaraparthy
Associated with the group during : Aug 2011 - Jul 2015
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : A Combinatorial Approach to Disjoint Cover Conjecture
Moved to : Zenefits (USA)
Sasidhar Sanapala
Associated with the group during : Aug 2011 - Jul 2015
Advisor(s) : Meghana Nasre
Research Area : Graph Algorithms
Moved to :
Srinivasan Raghuraman
Associated with the group during : Aug 2011 - Jul 2015
Email :
Advisor(s) : Narayanaswamy N S
Research Area : On Further Improved Bounds for Colouring Uniform Hypergraphs Revisiting the Conjecture of Erdos and Lovasz (from 1975).
Moved to : PhD Student, CSAIL, MIT, USA
Akshayram S.
Associated with the group during : Aug 2011 - Jul 2015
Email :
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Cryptographic Algorithms
Moved to : PhD Student, UC Berkeley, USA
Ayush Bhargava
Associated with the group during : Aug 2011 - Jul 2015
Email :
Advisor(s) : John Augustine
Research Area : Distributed Algorithms
Moved to : McKinsey & Company
Akshay Degwekar
Associated with the group during : Aug 2010 - Jul 2014
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Pseudo-randomness for Space Bounded Computation
Moved to : PhD Student, MIT, USA
Saikrishna B.
Associated with the group during : Aug 2010 - Jul 2014
Email :
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Cryptography
Moved to : PhD Student, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, USA
Karthik Abhinav
Associated with the group during : Aug 2010 - Jun 2014
Email :
Advisor(s) : Narayanaswamy N S
Research Area : Graph Algorithms
Moved to : Phd Student, Univ. of Maryland College Park, USA
Siddhartha Sivakumar
Associated with the group during : Aug 2010 - Jun 2014
Email :
Advisor(s) : Raghavendra Rao B V
Research Area : On Real Model of Computation
Moved to : Google London
Allen Philip
Associated with the group during : Jul 2010 - Jun 2014
Email :
Advisor(s) : Raghavendra Rao B V
Research Area : Complexity Theory
Moved to :
Saurabh Sawlani
Associated with the group during : Sep 2012 - Jul 2013
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Degree Sets and Applications
Moved to : MS Student, Dept of CSE, IIT Madras
Prashant Vasudevan
Associated with the group during : Jun 2009 - May 2013
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Complexity theory
Moved to : PhD Student, CSAIL, MIT, USA
Sivaramakrishnan N.R.
Associated with the group during : Jun 2009 - May 2013
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : Incompressibility in Time and Space
Moved to : PhD Student, University of Washington, USA.
Arijit Banerjee
Associated with the group during : Aug 2009 - May 2013
Email :
Advisor(s) : John Augustine
Research Area : Algorithms
Moved to : M.S. Student, Stanford University
Gunaa A.V.
Associated with the group during : Aug 2009 - May 2013
Email :
Advisor(s) : John Augustine
Research Area : Algorithms
Moved to : M.S. Student, Stanford University
Mrinal Kumar
Associated with the group during : Aug 2008 - May 2012
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma and Saket Saurabh
Research Area : Algorithms for Subgraph Isomorphism and Graph Modification Problems.
Moved to : PhD Student, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, USA
Gaurav Maheshwari
Associated with the group during : Aug 2008 - May 2012
Email :
Advisor(s) : Jayalal Sarma
Research Area : New Size Lower bounds Against Non-multiplinear Arithmetic Circuits.
Moved to : Goldman Sachs, Bangalore
Bhargav Narayanan
Associated with the group during : Aug 2006 - May 2011
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Cryptography
Moved to : The Ramanujan Research Student, Trinity College, Cambridge
Balasubramanian S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 2004 - Jun 2008
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Core Path in Special Classes of Graphs
Moved to :
Naga Naresh Karuturi
Associated with the group during : Jul 2004 - Jun 2008
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Group Key Management using Broadcast Encryption
Moved to :
Ashwinkumar B.V.
Associated with the group during : Jul 2004 - Jun 2008
Email :
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Perfectly Reliable Message Transmission on Undirected Graphs
Moved to : PhD Student, Cornell University
Anirudh Gaddamanaugu
Associated with the group during : Jul 2004 - Jun 2008
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Algorithms in Optical Burst Switching Networks
Moved to :
Raghavendran G
Associated with the group during : Jul 2004 - Jun 2008
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Efficient Identity-Based Broadcase Signcryption Schemes
Moved to :
Naga Naresh Karuturi
Associated with the group during : Jun 2004 - Jun 2008
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Graph Algorithms
Moved to :
Aravindan V.
Associated with the group during : Jul 2003 - Jun 2007
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Network Coding from a Game-Theoretic Perspective
Moved to :
Karthekeyan C.
Associated with the group during : Jul 2003 - Jun 2007
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Secret Sharing for Commodity Schemes and Robust PIR Combiners
Moved to :
Ravishankar Krishnaswamy
Associated with the group during : Jul 2003 - Jun 2007
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Fault Tolerant Network Coding
Moved to :
Karthik S.
Associated with the group during : Aug 2004 - Aug 2006
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Party Halls, Knapsacks and other online problems
Moved to :
Avinash Vaidyanathan V.
Associated with the group during : Jul 2002 - Jun 2006
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Reliable Communication
Moved to :
Mukesh Meena
Associated with the group during : Jul 2002 - Jun 2006
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Moved to :
Raja Masa
Associated with the group during : Jul 2002 - Jun 2006
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Pairing Based Cryptography
Moved to :
Rajsekar Manokaran
Associated with the group during : Jul 2002 - Jun 2006
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Obfuscation in Cryptography
Moved to : PhD Student, Princeton University
Ranjit Kumar K.
Associated with the group during : Jul 2002 - Jun 2006
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : On Efficient Protocols for Reliable Communication in Networks
Moved to :
Ravi Chandra Ch.
Associated with the group during : Jul 2002 - Jun 2006
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Approximation Algorithms for On-Demand Information Dissemination
Moved to :
Aditya Y.S.V.
Associated with the group during : Jul 2001 - Jun 2005
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : A Survey on Selected Intrusion Detection Systems
Moved to :
Kamesh R.
Associated with the group during : Jul 2001 - Jun 2005
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : The Steiner Tree Problem
Moved to :
Srikanth Srinivasan
Associated with the group during : Jul 2001 - Jun 2005
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Using Communication Complexity and Branching Programs to Prove Lower Bounds
Moved to :
Tirthankar Dubey
Associated with the group during : Jul 2001 - Jun 2005
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : A Survey of Some Recent Developments in Secure Multiparty Computation Techniques
Moved to :
Muthuramakrishnan V.
Associated with the group during : Jul 2000 - Jun 2004
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Distributed consensus over hypergraphs tolerating dual failures
Moved to :
Ravikant D.V.S
Associated with the group during : Jul 2000 - Jun 2004
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Agreement on Synchronous Networks with local Broadcasts
Moved to :
Srikanth V.
Associated with the group during : Jul 2000 - Jun 2004
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Optimal Protocols for Distributed Consensus Over Hypergraphs
Moved to :
Sandeep Varma
Associated with the group during : Jul 1999 - Jul 2003
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Automata Theory, Distributed systems
Moved to : PhD Student, Dept of Math., Purdue University
Vinod Vaikuntanathan
Associated with the group during : Jul 1999 - Jun 2003
Email :
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Efficient Secret Sharing and Oblivious Transfer
Moved to : PhD Student, CSAIL, MIT, USA
Amitanand Aiyer S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1999 - Jun 2003
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Agreement Tolerating Faults
Moved to :
Chandrashekhar N.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1999 - Jun 2003
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Secure Message Transmission in the Presence of Partial Faults
Moved to :
Mohan R.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1999 - Jun 2003
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : On Uniquely Restricted Matchings
Moved to :
Ruchi Kapoor
Associated with the group during : Jul 1999 - Jun 2003
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Design of an Electronic Cash Protocol that Resists Criminal Attacks
Moved to :
Sanketh Indrapu
Associated with the group during : Jul 1999 - Jun 2003
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Distributed Consensus
Moved to :
A. Arun Prasath
Associated with the group during : Aug 1999 - May 2003
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Studies in Graph Rewriting P-systems and Distributed Quantum Automata
Moved to :
Ashwin Kumar M.V.N.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1998 - Jun 2002
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Secure Communications
Moved to :
Gopi Krishna S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1998 - Jun 2002
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Non-Interactive Quantum Crypto-Computing
Moved to :
Pranava Raja Goundan
Associated with the group during : Jul 1998 - Jun 2002
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Equal-Flows in Networks
Moved to :
Sainath S.V.S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1998 - Jun 2002
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Parallel Algorithm for Minimum Connected Domination in Trapezoid Graphs
Moved to :
A. Siddhartha Reddy
Associated with the group during : Aug 1998 - May 2002
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Studies in Cellular Automata and Integer Weighted Pushdown Automata
Moved to :
Krishnaram K.N.G.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1997 - Jun 2001
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Secure Distributed Protocols: Complexity and Approximation
Moved to :
Sudhakar G.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1997 - Jun 2001
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : A Linear Time Algorithm for Determining the Single Connectedness of a Directed Planar Graph
Moved to :
G.N. Santhanakrishnan
Associated with the group during : Aug 1997 - May 2001
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Studies in Distributed Probabilistic Automaton and Simple Test-Tube Systems
Moved to :
R. Nandakumar
Associated with the group during : Aug 1997 - May 2001
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : On the Complexity of Optimal Player Simulation
Moved to :
Ajay C. Ramadoss
Associated with the group during : Jul 1996 - Jun 2000
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Lower bounds for the number of incomparable pairs in a poset of dimension n
Moved to :
Ajith Kumar M.N.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1996 - Jun 2000
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : On Designing Efficient Priority Queues
Moved to :
Ananthan S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1996 - Jun 2000
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Competitive Analysis of Some Online Optimization Problems
Moved to :
Arun Kumar Sahlam
Associated with the group during : Jul 1996 - Jun 2000
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Interactive Learning Environments for Theoretical Computer Science Education : Network Flow Algorithm Animatons
Moved to :
Prasanth Reddy K.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1996 - Jun 2000
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : On Heuristics to solve Real Time Vehicle Routing
Moved to :
Srinivasa Aditya Akella
Associated with the group during : Jul 1996 - Jun 2000
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Competitive Algorithms for Online Bin-Stretching
Moved to :
Udaya Bhanu G.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1996 - Jun 2000
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Better Lower Bound For Online Machine Covering
Moved to :
T. Muralidhar
Associated with the group during : Aug 1996 - May 2000
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Generative Power of Splicing Systems
Moved to :
Rahul Santhanam
Associated with the group during : Jul 1995 - Jul 1999
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Automata theory
Moved to : PhD Student, University of Chicago, USA
Anand Ganesh
Associated with the group during : Jul 1995 - Jun 1999
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Approximate Algorithms for Some Optimisation Problems
Moved to :
Arvind A.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1995 - Jun 1999
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Competitive Analysis of Online Load Balancing Problems
Moved to :
Lakshminarayanan S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1995 - Jun 1999
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : TCP-New Boston : An Enhanced Protocol for ATM Networks
Moved to :
Ravi Kant
Associated with the group during : Jul 1995 - Jun 1999
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Recognition Complexity of Partial Order Properties
Moved to :
Associated with the group during : Aug 1995 - May 1999
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Finite Automata and Digital Images
Moved to :
Associated with the group during : Aug 1995 - May 1999
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Genotype Structure and Re-writing Systems and Evolutionary Algorithm for L-system Inference Problem
Moved to :
Prahladh Harsha
Associated with the group during : Jul 1994 - Jul 1998
Email :
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Distributed Processing in Automata
Moved to : PhD Student, CSAIL, MIT, USA
Associated with the group during : Jul 1994 - Jun 1998
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Efficient Algorithms for Some Graph Theoretic Problems
Moved to :
Narayanan Sriram Ramabhadran
Associated with the group during : Jul 1994 - Jun 1998
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Intractibility Results For A Coloring Problem On Weighted Graphs
Moved to :
Naveen Kumar K.M.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1994 - Jun 1998
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Algorithms Engineering : A novel approach towards experimental analysis and validation of formally proved systems
Moved to :
Rajasekar K
Associated with the group during : Jul 1994 - Jun 1998
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Probabilistic Data Structures for Priority Queues
Moved to :
Ravindra Shankar P.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1994 - Jun 1998
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Algorithmic and Hardness Results for Certain Graph Theoretic Problems
Moved to :
Sridhar R
Associated with the group during : Jul 1994 - Jun 1998
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Buffering paradigm : A new technique to design worst-case efficient randomized data structures
Moved to :
S R Kaushik
Associated with the group during : Aug 1994 - May 1998
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Studies in Contextual Grammars and Array Splicing Systems
Moved to :
Venkatesan Guruswami
Associated with the group during : Jul 1993 - Jul 1997
Email :
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Intractability Results for Certain Graph-theoretic Optimization and Approximation Problems.
Moved to : PhD Student, MIT USA
Satishchander S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1993 - Jun 1997
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Recognition of Objects Moving on a Conveyor Using Fourier Descriptive Method
Moved to :
Shyam Raghunanadan
Associated with the group during : Jul 1993 - Jun 1997
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Recognition of Objects Moving on a Conveyor Using Method of Moments
Moved to :
Sadagopan S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1993 - Jun 1997
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : A Document Classifying System using the Self Organising Map for Text Mining
Moved to :
Madan Lal M.S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1992 - Jun 1996
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Tree 3 - Spanners and Bandwidth minimisation problems on special classes of graphs
Moved to :
Niranjan Neelakantan
Associated with the group during : Jul 1992 - Jun 1996
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Computer Based Learning
Moved to :
Srinivas G.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1992 - Jun 1996
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Develop An Off-line Path Planning Algorithm For a Robotic System With Moving Obstacles
Moved to :
Rajagopalan S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1992 - Jun 1996
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Develop a Vision Based Off-line Path Planning Program Using Visibility Graph Method For a Robotic System
Moved to :
Boyapati Chandrasekar
Associated with the group during : Jul 1992 - May 1996
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Worst Case optimal Data Structures for Priority Queues, Dequeue with Heap order and Parallel finger search trees.
Moved to :
P I Vijayakumar
Associated with the group during : Aug 1992 - May 1996
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Path Planning among Moving Obstacles
Moved to :
Sumeet Lahrani
Associated with the group during : Aug 1992 - May 1996
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Intersection Removal of Simple Polygons
Moved to :
Associated with the group during : Aug 1992 - May 1996
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Parallel Algorithms for some Optimization Problems
Moved to :
Mani Rajesh
Associated with the group during : Jul 1991 - Jun 1995
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Vision Based On-line/ Off-line Path Planning for a Robotic System II
Moved to :
Pankaj Kulkarni
Associated with the group during : Jul 1991 - Jun 1995
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : The Tree 3-Spanner Problem on Some Special Class of Graphs
Moved to :
Ramakrishna V
Associated with the group during : Jul 1991 - Jun 1995
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Competitive Number Problem on Interval Graphs
Moved to :
Ramesh V.K.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1991 - Jun 1995
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Efficient Algorithms for connectivity and Path problems on Some Special Classes of Graphs
Moved to :
Subramanian K.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1991 - Jun 1995
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Vision Based On-line/ Off-line Path Planning for a Robotic System I
Moved to :
Venkatsathyam V
Associated with the group during : Aug 1991 - May 1995
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Algorithms for the 3-D Maximum Empty L-shaped Polyhedron Problem and the Polygonal Stabber Problem
Moved to :
Karthik S Mahadevan
Associated with the group during : Aug 1991.16 - May 1995.16. Dushyanth Narayanan
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : On the One-Separability Problem for Isothetic Polyhedra
Moved to :
Madhukar K.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1990 - Jun 1994
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Domination Problems on Trapezoid and Cotriangulated Graphs
Moved to :
Anand S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1990 - Jun 1994
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Treewidth and Core Problems on Recursively Defined Classes of Graphs
Moved to :
Balaji R.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1990 - Jun 1994
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Transitive Reduction Paradigm to Solve Domination Problems on Interval graphs
Moved to :
Gopalakrishnan C.P.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1990 - Jun 1994
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Disjoint Paths in Permutation and Chordal Graphs
Moved to :
D Pavan Kumar
Associated with the group during : Aug 1990 - May 1994
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Extremal Problems in Computational Geometry
Moved to :
B Prakash
Associated with the group during : Aug 1990 - May 1994
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : On Some Problems in Computational Geometry
Moved to :
KVS Rajeev
Associated with the group during : Aug 1990 - May 1994
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : On Some Problems in Visibility
Moved to :
Hari Balakrishnan
Associated with the group during : Jul 1989 - Jul 1993
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Efficient Algorithms for Asteroidal Triple-Free and Distance Hereditary Graphs
Moved to : PhD Student, UC Berkeley, USA
Anand R.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1989 - Jun 1993
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Graph Decomposition Techniques for Efficient Algorithm Design
Moved to :
Bobby V.R.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1989 - Jun 1993
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : A Framework for Negotiation in Distributed Problem Solving - I
Moved to :
Jayanth Majhi
Associated with the group during : Jul 1989 - Jun 1993
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : A Framework for Negotiation in Distributed Problem Solving - II
Moved to :
Nagavamsi P.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1989 - Jun 1993
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Domination and other related Problems on certain Classes of Perfect Graphs
Moved to :
Amarnath D
Associated with the group during : Aug 1989 - May 1993
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Animation of Convex Hull Algorithms
Moved to :
C Chandra Sekhar
Associated with the group during : Aug 1989 - May 1993
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : On Two Problems in Computational Geometry
Moved to :
V Kasturi Rangan
Associated with the group during : Aug 1989 - May 1993
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Some Problems in Computational Geometry
Moved to :
Satyan C.R.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1988 - Jun 1992
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Ordering of Vertices - An Application Specific Paradigm
Moved to :
K Induprakas
Associated with the group during : Aug 1988 - May 1992
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Three Dimensional Motion Planning among Planar Obstacles
Moved to :
Balayoghan V.B.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1987 - Jun 1991
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Efficient Sequential and Parallel Algorithms on Interval Graphs
Moved to :
Ravi Sundaram
Associated with the group during : Jul 1987 - Jun 1991
Email :
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : 2-Link Isothetic Visibility in Orthogonal Polygons
Moved to : College of Computer and Information Science, Northeastern University
Selvan Kulandaiswami
Associated with the group during : Jul 1987 - Jun 1991
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Efficient Algorithms for Circular Permutation Graphs
Moved to :
B Srikanth Iyengar
Associated with the group during : Aug 1987 - May 1991
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : On Some Problems in Motion Planning
Moved to :
T M Murali
Associated with the group during : Aug 1987 - May 1991
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Motion Planning Among Circular Obstacles and Finding Empty Homothetic Triangles
Moved to :
Jayaram T.S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1986 - Jun 1990
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Efficient Algorithms on Block Graphs
Moved to :
R Srikant
Associated with the group during : Aug 1986 - May 1990
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Fast Algorithms for Problems in Computational Geometry and Motion Planning
Moved to :
Ragini Shamsunder
Associated with the group during : Aug 1986 - May 1990
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Algorithms on the Modified Cellular Graph Automaton
Moved to :
Aravind S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1985 - Jun 1989
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Fast Algorithms for Some Problems on Interval and Permutation Graphs
Moved to :
Madhav Vishnu Marathe
Associated with the group during : Jul 1985 - Jun 1989
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Efficient Algorithms on Interval Graphs
Moved to :
Mahesh R.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1985 - Jun 1989
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Domination and Path Problems in Permutation Graphs
Moved to :
Associated with the group during : Jul 1985 - Jun 1989
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Experimental Studies on Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms
Moved to :
Associated with the group during : Jul 1985 - Jun 1989
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Irredundance and Location-Domination in Interval Graphs
Moved to :
Raju Narayanaswamy
Associated with the group during : Aug 1985 - May 1989
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Syntactic Inference and growth function of edge replacement graph OL Systems
Moved to : Indian Administrative Service - Assistant Collector, Alappuzha, Kerala
Anil Sathyanarayana Rao
Associated with the group during : Jul 1984 - Jun 1988
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Efficient Systolic Algorithms for Interval Graph Problems
Moved to :
Babu Ozhur Narayanan
Associated with the group during : Jul 1984 - Jun 1988
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : New Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for Diameter Partitioning
Moved to :
Bulusu Krishna Mohan
Associated with the group during : Jul 1984 - Jun 1988
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Recognition Algorithms for Triangulated Graphs
Moved to :
Krishnan S.V.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1984 - Jun 1988
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Efficient Algorithms for Some Problems on Planar Graphs
Moved to :
Rajeev G.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1984 - Jun 1988
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Some Parallel Algorithms in Motion Planning and Collision Avoidance
Moved to :
Associated with the group during : Jul 1984 - Jun 1988
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Efficient Algorithms for Some Path Problems on Chordal Graphs
Moved to :
Venkatesh Harinarayan
Associated with the group during : Jul 1984 - Jun 1988
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Fast Parallel Algorithms for Some Geometric Problems
Moved to :
Kodiyaklam Vijay
Associated with the group during : Jul 1983 - Jun 1987
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : A Survey of Lower Bound Theory
Moved to :
Ramalingam G.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1983 - Jun 1987
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Domination Problems in Intersection Graphs
Moved to :
Ramesh Govindan
Associated with the group during : Jul 1983 - Jun 1987
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Fast Geometric Algorithms for Location Problems
Moved to :
Sundar R.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1983 - Jun 1987
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Finding the Abiding Paths and Its Applications
Moved to :
Atul Saini
Associated with the group during : Jul 1982 - Jun 1986
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Graph Problems on a Broadcast-Mesh Processor Array
Moved to :
Krishna Prasad B.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1982 - Jun 1986
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Graph Problems on a Linear Systolic Array
Moved to :
Mohan R.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1982 - Jun 1986
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : A Survey of Methods for Union-Find Problems
Moved to :
Sudarshan S.
Associated with the group during : Jul 1982 - Jun 1986
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : A Fast Algorithm for Computing Sparse Visibility Graphs
Moved to :
Nainan Kovoor
Associated with the group during : Jul 1980 - Jun 1984
Advisor(s) : C. Pandu Rangan
Research Area : Finding Optimal Aggregates in Arrays
Moved to :
P Sri Suresh
Associated with the group during : Aug 1977 - May 1981
Advisor(s) : Kamala Krithivasan
Research Area : Description generation and Recognition of handwritten English Alphabets
Moved to :