- Meeting 01 : Mon, Jan 12, 11:00 am-11:50 am
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Administrative announcements. Outline of the course. Introduction, perspectives on computation.
- Meeting 02 : Tue, Jan 13, 10:00 pm-10:50 pm
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Elementary notions of computation. Example notions of computation: Compass and ruler constructions of the Greeks. Formal definition of a finite automata.
Introduction of TAs and TA groupings.
- Meeting 03 : Wed, Jan 14, 09:00 am-09:50 am
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Formal definition of an automaton: Deterministic finite automata (DFA). Examples. State diagrams and configurations. Notion of a language. Languages accepted by
DFAs: Regular Languages.
References: | Lecture 3 of [Koz].
- Meeting 04 : Mon, Jan 19, 11:00 am-11:50 am
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More examples of regular languages. Word problem on finite groups as a regular language.
- Meeting 05 : Tue, Jan 20, 10:00 am-10:50 pm
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Proving correctness of the DFA: by induction on the length of the string. Set theoretic properties of regular languages: Complementation.
- Meeting 06 : Wed, Jan 21, 09:00 am-09:50 am
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Proerties of regular langauges: Union, Intersection, Complement. Showing that a language is not regular.
- Meeting 07 : Thu, Jan 22, 01:00 pm-01:50 pm
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The pumping lemma: formal statement and proof. PRIMES is not regular. Game against the demon.
- Meeting 08 : Tue, Jan 27, 10:00 pm-10:50 pm
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More applications of the pumping lemma. Towards a structural characterization of regular languages. Myhill-Nerode relations.
- Meeting 09 : Wed, Jan 28, 09:00 am-09:50 am
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Myhill-Nerode relations to DFA and vice versa. Myhill Nerode theorem.
- Meeting 10 : Thu, Jan 29, 01:00 pm-01:50 pm
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Myhil Nerode theorem: A canonical relation on languages that is coarsest among all Myhil-Nerode relations.
- Meeting 11 : Mon, Feb 02, 11:00 am-11:50 am
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Proof of coarseness property.
Applications of Myhill-Nerode theorem for proving non-regularity of languages. Coarseness of M-N relations==> DFA with a minimum number of states. DFA minimization problem.
- Meeting 12 : Tue, Feb 03, 10:00 pm-10:50 pm
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DFA Minimization problem. Quotient Automata consrunction. An algorithm for DFA minimization.