- Meeting 28 : Tue, Aug 27, 10:00 am-10:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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Structured sets. Groups, Groupoid, Monoids, Semi-groups.
References: | The material does not appear as it is in the textbook.
- Chapter 11 in [KR], Section 2 & 3
- Meeting 29 : Thu, Aug 29, 12:00 pm-12:50 pm - Jayalal Sarma
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Isomorphism. Permutation Group. Subgroups.
References: | The material does not appear as it is in the textbook.
- Chapter 11 in [KR], Section 4
- Meeting 30 : Tue, Sep 03, 10:00 am-10:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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Impact of the structure on the cardinality. Lagrange's theorem. Corollaries.
Normal Subgroups, Quotient Group Structure.
- Meeting 31 : Thu, Sep 05, 12:00 pm-12:50 pm - Jayalal Sarma
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Cyclic groups. Generator. Order of an element. Abelian groups. All groups whose size is a prime number are abelian. All cyclic groups are abelian.
References: | Material was (mostly) adapted from :
- Meeting 32 : Tue, Sep 10, 10:00 am-10:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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Richer Algebraic Structures. Rings, Integral Domains and Fields. Examples and non-examples. Z_n is an integral domain if and only if n is a prime number. Z_n is a field if and only if n is prime number.
References: |
- Chapter 11 of [KR], Section 5.
Exercises: | In the proof that Z_n is a field if and only if n is a prime number, we did not use the fact that n is a prime, other than using it implicitly while utilizing the fact Z_n is an integral domain. Can you generalize the proof then, to prove that "Any finite integral domain is a field".
- Meeting 33 : Tue, Sep 24, 10:00 am-10:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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Review (after the gap). Application, Check bit idea. A generalization to the case of ISBN numbers. Correcting single digit errors and adjacent swap errors.
- Meeting 34 : Wed, Sep 25, 09:00 am-09:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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Netflix challenge - as a running example.
The high school notion of a vector - Arrows in plane starting from origin. Deriving properties - Definition of a vector space. Three example sets which are vector spaces :Cartesian Product of R, Space of Matrices, Set of polynomials of degree at most n.
- Meeting 35 : Thu, Sep 26, 12:00 pm-12:50 pm - Jayalal Sarma
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Vector spaces of matrices. Notion of linear combination. Checking if u is a linear combination of v1, v2, ... v_k. Vector Equations in R^n, and their Equivalence to solving linear equations. Equivalent representations in terms of matrix equation.
- Meeting 36 : Mon, Sep 30, 02:00 pm-03:00 pm - Jayalal Sarma
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Compensatory for Short Exam-2.
Interpreting Matrix Equation Ax as linear combination of columns and xA as linear combination of rows of A. Interpreting matrix multiplication in two different ways. Gaussian Elimination procedure to solve equations. Interpretation in terms of matrices. LU decomposition of matrices.
References: |
- Chapter 1 of Gilbert Strang's Book.
- Meeting 37 : Tue, Oct 01, 09:00 am-09:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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(Wednesday's Time Table)
Under permutations. PA = LU. Example.
- Meeting 38 : Thu, Oct 03, 12:00 pm-12:50 pm - Jayalal Sarma
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Complexity of Gaussian Elimination procedure. Notion of matrix inverse. Condition for existence of matrix inverse. Gauss-Jordan algorithm to find matrix inverse. Examples.
- Meeting 39 : Mon, Oct 07, 11:00 am-11:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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Span of a set S. Properties of the Span. Span(S) forms a vector subspace. Linear dependence and independence. Examples.
- Meeting 40 : Mon, Oct 07, 02:00 pm-03:00 pm - Jayalal Sarma
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Compensatory lecture for Oct 2nd.
Definition of basis. Examples and non-examples.
- Meeting 41 : Tue, Oct 08, 10:00 am-10:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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Uniqueness of Size of a basis. Notion of Dimension of a vector space. Co-ordinate system. Standard basis for R^n.
- Meeting 42 : Wed, Oct 09, 09:00 am-09:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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How do we find the basis for a the span of a given set of vectors? Row space and Columns space of matrices. Effect of Gaussian Elimination on the row space. Column space of matrices.
- Meeting 43 : Thu, Oct 10, 12:00 pm-12:50 pm - Jayalal Sarma
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Inner Product, Orthogonality and Norm.
- Meeting 44 : Mon, Oct 14, 11:00 am-11:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization process.
- Meeting 45 : Tue, Oct 15, 10:00 am-10:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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Orthogonal Complements. Three fundamental vector spaces associated with a matrix. Rowspace is orthogonal to Nullspace. Dimension of orthogonal complements add up to the full dimension. Rank-Nullity Theorem.
References: |
What we followed in class was a shorter version of this :
- Direct Sum of Vector Spaces (we proved Theorem in Page 6 as our main claim in class)
- Meeting 46 : Mon, Oct 21, 11:00 am-11:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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Rowspace, Columns Space, Nullspace, and Range space of a matrix. Rank of a matrix. Column Rank and Row Rank. Row Rank = Column Rank. Computing the matrix rank.
- Meeting 47 : Mon, Oct 21, 02:00 pm-03:00 pm - Jayalal Sarma
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(Compensatory Lecture for Oct 16th)
Computing the basis of the nullspace. Viewing matrices as transformations. Interpretations of the spaces in this context.
- Meeting 48 : Tue, Oct 22, 10:00 am-10:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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Invertibility of the transformation. Determinants. Geometric and Algebraic Interpretation of the determinant. Properties (statement). Computing the determinant using the Gaussian elimination.
References: | |
Exercises: | Prove the properties of determinants we used in the class. Write down an O(n^3) time algorithm for computing the determinant of an n x n matrix using the ideas in the class.
- Meeting 49 : Wed, Oct 23, 09:00 am-09:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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Properties of Matrix Transformation. Notion of Linear Transformation. Properties and Examples. Notion of Kernel and Image of the linear transformation. Rank Nullity Theorem.
References: | |
Exercises: |
- Show that Kernel and Image (or Range) of the linear transformations are subspaces of V and W respectively
- Show that the polynomial differentiation is indeed a linear transformation
- Meeting 50 : Thu, Oct 24, 12:00 pm-12:50 pm - Jayalal Sarma
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Expressing Linear Transformations as matrices. Examples. Observations on linear transformations. Rotation and Reflection. Linear transformations which behave nicely on certain vectors (as scalar multiplications). Eigen values of a matrix. Eigen spaces, Examples.
References: |
- For Eigen values and eigen vectors :
- Meeting 51 : Mon, Oct 28, 11:00 am-11:50 am - Jayalal Sarma
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Application : Image compression (when the image is nice). Symmetric matrices have real eigen values. Diagonalization of Symmetric matrices. Computing Eigen values. Singular Value Decomposition.
- Meeting 52 : Mon, Oct 28, 02:00 pm-03:00 pm - Jayalal Sarma
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Properties of Eigenspaces. Dimensions of the eigen spaces. Eigen decomposition of R^n space. Diagonalizability.